



There are two phases to a professional microcurrent series, the Build Up Phase and the Maintenance Phase. Microcurrent works on a cellular level to boost and store ATP and collagen and elastin, and to lift and sculpt muscle.  

THE BUILD-UP PHASE: The build-up phase works to normalize (reboot) and increase ATP (energy current of cells) by 500%,  increase protein synthesis, and the production and storage of new and better quality collagen and elastin. 

The build-up phase will create and hold a “lift and sculpt” of the skin’s underlying muscle. Very specific movements of the probes will lift the facial muscles, brows, cheeks and jawline to create a more sculpted and youthful appearance. Some muscles will be lengthened and others shortened. In the build-up phase, microcurrents are gradually increased with each session which aids in the storage of ATP and lasting re-educated muscles. 

THE MAINTENANCE PHASE: The cellular changes that have occurred during the build-up phase has allowed  the body to store the beautiful new collagen and elastin, and the muscles to “hold” the lifted positions.  Because of collagen and elastin storage and muscle memory, maintenance sessions can be done anywhere from 1-3 months. 

ATP: What Is It And Why Is It Important?

For your muscles—in fact, for every cell in your body—the source of energy that keeps everything going is called ATP. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is referred to as the “current of life” as it is literally the energy transfer that makes life itself possible in every living organism. This includes all cellular activity, DNA replication, regeneration and healing, collagen and elastin synthesis, neurotransmission, and muscle contraction. Skin requires massive amounts of ATP to thrive, regenerate and renew itself. Think of microcurrent as recharging a battery. When we’re young our battery is fully charged with ATP, but around age 35 the cells begin to slow down and stop performing at their full potential. The result is a reduction in our cell’s ability to create collagen and elastin and the muscle cells become lax and lose the energy to remain firm. Think of the body functioning with only a half-charged battery. After a microcurrent series, ATP is increased in the cells by 500%. Battery is fully charged!

  • Decrease fine and deep lines
  • Improve skin tone and texture 
  • Restore youthful glow
  • Decrease puffiness under eye
  • Lift brow and eye area
  • Reduce crow’s feet,  forehead lines, and lines between the brows (glabella)
  • Sculpt and lift cheeks and jowl-line
  • Smooth and lift neck
  • Improve acne
  • Enhance the effects of other anti-aging treatments
  • Microcurrent is a great way to improve results after a surgical face lift by helping to heal more quickly

Microcurrent, because it is both safe and subsensory, is ideal for most clients.  It can be offered as a stand alone service, offered as a series, and incorporated into other facial services as an add-on.

There are, however, some contraindications for specific clients who should not undergo microcurrent.  

• Pacemaker or other implanted electronic devices
• Epilepsy
• Pregnancy 
• Cancer
• Thrombosis
• Phlebitis
• Metal plates or pins in the application area
• Under a physician’s care for a disorder, illness, disease, or injury


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